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How to control Mana in LoL
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If you know how to control the Mana flow in League of Legends, then you are ready to play in the Ranked games. Otherwise, you will be outplayed even at the lowest divisions. Mana management is one of the fundamental pillars of the LoL that is why almost every player knows something about it. Remember that you could not afford to waste your mana on some reckless actions, like a mindless farm of minions or shooting skills in enemy without the proper knowledge of the Trading Art – https://boosteria.org could help you with this knowledge.
That is why I decided to create such a guide, that would help you to control the mana in an effective way, that would give you a chance to stand against even strongest of enemies. I will not tell a word about Energy or Health consuming abilities, this is a guide about Mana Control. So take everything that is written below as a strict rule, until you get enough experience to think about various situations with your own mind.

The are no rules, since the League of Legends just have too many champions, like 140 or so, and there could not be strict rule for everyone. One must use abilities to push the lane, while others, need to use them only to harass the enemy. One needs to always put pressure on the enemy, while others need to use abilities to slay minions.
Tips and Tricks of Mana Management
Keeping your mana in the ideal balance could take a lot of practice hours but I think that I could decrease this time a little. Here are the additional tricks and tips that would be extremely useful and help you to find the very balance.

Value the Blue Buff
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If you are playing as a mana hungry champions (especially if you are Mid Laner) then try to take the every Blue buff possible to have enough mana that could be converted into the additional pressure on the enemy. But if your jungler needs it – then leave it to him.
Auto-piloting is bad, mkey?
We all suffered from the Auto-piloting feature in the League of Legends, so try to reduce using of this feature and stop yourself from mindlessly throwing abilities in the minions’ faces. This will not only lead to quickly running out of mana but also will cause a wave to be pushed under the turret. With this little mistake, you will create a dozen opportunities for an enemy jungler to attack you and if you are an immobile champion, you will be certainly dead. As I said before you COULD use abilities to push the lane, but only if you are certain about your actions.

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Always keep mana for escaping ability
When you are using abilities to trade with an enemy you must always be ready for an unstandard situation, where you will be forced to use any kind of escaping ability (dash, teleport, any kind of CC, etc) and save your life. Moreover, if you are playing as a Utility Support, then make sure that you always have enough mana to cover your ADC with the saving shield.
If enemies would drag you into the unprofitable trade and you do not have enough mana to efficiently trade with him then you need to use any kind of CC abilities that will give you time to retreat from an aggressive enemy. Having some mana on escaping abilities would save your life more than once.

Turn on the Ability Costs
Yup, it is an option – to turn on the display of how many resources an ability would cost. The option could be enabled in the Interface section – “Ability and Attack Display“. Then make sure that option “Show Spell Costs” marked. Now you will see the mana-cost of abilities during the match, that would help you in calculations. The additional advantage that you could take from this – is to clearly understand what abilities could be used in trading with the enemy.
That is all, folks! I have taught you everything I know about Mana Management in League of Legend in the most effective way. Just remember to always keep an eye in mana pool. LoL is a game about awareness where the knowledge of an enemy could easily win the match. Practice makes perfect, so always be ready to learn.