Western Golf Cart Serial Number Lookuplastevil
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What Year Is My Western Golf Cart - Determine Year Of Western Golf Cart By Serial Number
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Western Golf Cart Vin Number
What year is my Western Golf Cart? There should be a number stamped into the frame under the seat usually on the passenger side frame rail. 1989 = 10 digits, coded as below: substract 1 digit. 1992-1999, If 11 digits found under the seat, passengers side, the first 3 are Model, ie. Then the next 2 digits are the month, ie. Learn about some of the features that help identify this golf cart as an E-Z-GO Marathon. Find the locations of the vehicle's serial number that is used to d.
Western Golf Cart Serial Number
What Year Is My Western Golf Cart - Determine Year Of Western Golf Cart By Serial Number
What year is my Western Golf Cart?
There should be a number stamped into the frame under the seat usually on the passenger side frame rail.
1989 = 10 digits, coded as below: substract 1 digit.
1992-1999, If 11 digits found under the seat, passengers side, the first 3 are Model, ie.. 300, 400. Then the next 2 digits are the month, ie.. 01-12. Then the 6 digit is the year 7=1997, 8=1998, 9=1999. Last digits are sequential numbers assigned to the drive train.
2000 or NEWER, If 14 numbers...
There should be a number stamped into the frame under the seat usually on the passenger side frame rail.
1989 = 10 digits, coded as below: substract 1 digit.
1992-1999, If 11 digits found under the seat, passengers side, the first 3 are Model, ie.. 300, 400. Then the next 2 digits are the month, ie.. 01-12. Then the 6 digit is the year 7=1997, 8=1998, 9=1999. Last digits are sequential numbers assigned to the drive train.
2000 or NEWER, If 14 numbers...
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Western Golf Cart Serial Number Lookup
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