I love the smooth frame rate on this game Wolfenstein 3D PlayStation 3. 3DO Acorn Archimedes Game Boy Advance iOS (iPhone/iPad) Jaguar Macintosh Mobile PC NEC PC98 Super Nintendo Online/Browser Xbox 360. The Rate is More Than Life is a mod for Return to Castle Wolfenstein, created by Vladimir Vovstein and Henry Sheppard. Description: This mission pack has five levels with new textures and musics from the German Band Rammstein.

In Wolfenstein 3D, the player assumes the role of Allied spy William 'B.J.' Blazkowicz during World War II as he escapes from the Nazi German prison Castle Wolfenstein and carries out a series of crucial missions against the Nazis. The player traverses through each of the game's levels to find an elevator to the next level or kill a final boss, fighting Nazi soldiers, dogs, and other enemies with knives, pistols, and other guns. (wikipedia.org)

Genres:Action, Shooter
Platforms:Xbox One, Windows, iOS, Android, Linux, PS3, Xbox 360, macOS, MS-DOS, Game Boy Advance, Xbox, Super NES, Arcade
Wolfenstein Game Release Order
Developers:id Software, Nerve Software, Interplay, River Cresco, Stalker
Wolfenstein Game Release Dates

Wolfenstein Game Reviews
Publishers:Bethesda Softworks, Activision, id Software, Apogee Software, Imagineer, BAM! Entertainment, MacPlay
Wolfenstein Game Rating